Laser Gum Disease Treatment - Boca Raton & Fort Lauderdale, FL

Eliminate Gum Disease with LANAP Laser Gum Treatment

Restore Healthy Gum Tissue without Scalpels or Sutures

Gingivitis, the earliest form of gum disease, is quite common and often silent, although it can cause bleeding during brushing or flossing. In this initial stage, plaque can harden into tartar (calculus), a stubborn biofilm of bacteria that brushing alone cannot remove. Tartar can continue to irritate surrounding tissue and bone, forming periodontal pockets where gums pull away from teeth.

This process can progress rapidly without intervention, resulting in bone loss and loose teeth. Advanced gum disease, known as periodontitis, is a leading cause of tooth loss in adults. The good news is that LANAP periodontal disease treatment, offered by our experienced team in Delray Beach, FL, Lauderhill, FL, Coral Springs, FL, and Bocca Raton, FL, can help restore oral health with minimal disruption to your daily routine!

The Advantages of LANAP Laser Gum Disease Treatment

LANAP Vs. Traditional Gum Surgery

LANAP® is an advanced treatment protocol combining laser surgery with the established principles of traditional gum disease surgery, incorporating biological and clinical considerations. Unlike conventional pceriodontal surgery, LANAP offers several benefits, including being less invasive and traumatic while delivering comparable or superior results.

During the LANAP procedure at Brush Dental, our team utilizes the PerioLase® MVP-7™ laser to target the periodontal pockets between teeth and gums, selectively removing diseased tissue and eliminating bacteria. Next, the tooth roots are cleaned using an ultrasonic device. Finally, the area around the treated teeth is sealed and protected using the laser, promoting healing and restoring gum health.

Am I a Candidate for Laser Gum Surgery?

If you’re showing signs of gum disease, you’re likely a suitable candidate for gum disease treatment. Periodontal disease treatment generally has no contraindications and does not interfere with medications, making it safe even for individuals with severe medical conditions such as diabetes or hemophilia. A consultation with our team will help determine whether traditional gum disease surgery or LANAP laser gum disease treatment in Delray Beach, FL, Lauderhill, FL, Coral Springs, FL, and Bocca Raton, FL, is your best option.

Reverse the Effects of Gum Disease with LANAP Gum Therapy.

Reserve your consultation with our team today!